Rancho Cucamonga, California
This church seats over 5,000 people in a structure that soars over 450 feet. The sanctuary is designed on multiple levels with a 40-story open ceiling. Below the sanctuary are offices and classrooms. This is the theme building for Rancho Cucamonga Loveland Christian campus.
The building is surrounded by a pool with fountains. Large glass panels at the rear of the sanctuary behind the pastor open to an outdoor amphitheatre where worshipers can sit outdoors to hear the service.
Some of the top engineers in the world were retained to work on this project which was unique in every aspect. Structurally the building is composed of vertical steel space frames to minimize weight and cost. The reduction in weight allowed the structure to perform better in seismic situations. A combination of thermal resistant composite glass panels along with clear multiple layer glass panels provide the exterior sheathing.
Lighting, acoustic, sound, and heating and cooling systems were all kept extremely subtle and out of view whenever possible. A pure expression of space greeted the worshiper enhancing the spiritual experience. This project tested the talents of all professionals involved.
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